The Morris Worm

While editing a college textbook on cybersecurity (still a secret project at this time), I’ve run across a description of the Morris Worm. This was the first true Internet worm, released in 1988, and it ravaged the early Internet. At the time, I was a software engineer, writing low-level communications programs in a networked device management system on PDP-11’s running RSTS and on Unix systems, primarily IBM RT and Sage Micro.

Our Internet connection at that time was dial-up, brokered through a well-known system called “unrvax,” a Digital VAX microcomputer running BSD Unix. Unrvax was infected by the Morris Worm, and it propagated to our Sage Micro system, but did not execute there as Sage was not one of the target systems. I recall hearing that the folks at UNR had to circle the wagons to deal with Morris, but our organization was not directly affected, aside from delays in email and news feeds.

I’m not sure whether the Morris Worm is covered in modern CS or cybersecurity courses.

About peterhgregory

Published author of over forty books on security and technology, including Solaris Security, CISSP Guide to Security Essentials, and IT Disaster Recovery Planning for Dummies.
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